Wednesday, March 27, 2013

English Spot Litter is Here!

BB had a beautiful litter of 5! She has 4 black and white spots and one chocolate and white spot. These are all breeding and or pet quality.  This litter comes from a great bloodline and both parents are sweet and personality plus. Stay tuned for photos. These babies will be 6 weeks old and ready for their new homes in a few weeks : )

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

2 Fuzzy Lop Babies Left!

We have only 2 Fuzzy Lop Babies left!
One is a buck and one is a doe. The one on the bottom is precious as it can be. It was just more interested in nibbling grass than having a photo shoot taken! They are both turned 7wks old today. They are both Dark Siamese Sables.You can find pricing under the "pricing" tab.